Cyberly has seen a lot of roadshows but none quite like the episode we have for you today…We were honored to host a live show on Day 2 of Freightwaves’ Future of Supply Chain conference located in Rogers, Arkansas.
As if hosting a live show isn’t nerve-racking enough, host Blythe Brumleve invited Freightwaves CEO Craig Fuller on the show and he did not disappoint.
Included in the global supply chain conversation, we discuss the evolving geopolitical struggles that will lead to a surge in US-based manufacturing. While that’s interesting by itself, the real star conversation of the show is Craig’s disdain for LinkedIn and praise for Twitter as a tool to connect and network with other folks within the industry.

Follow Craig Fuller on Twitter

Connect with Craig on LinkedIn–but don’t you dare DM him with a lame pitch

Cyberly is hosted by Blythe Brumleve and covers B2B marketing, the attention economy, and how it ties into the world of logistics. Airing every Thursday at 2pm ET, you can follow the podcast on Spotify and Apple while catching the video replays on Freightwaves TV.
Connect with Blythe via her website or on Linkedin, YouTube, and TikTok

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Cyberly has seen a lot of roadshows but none quite like the episode we have for you today…We were honored to host a live show on Day 2 of Freightwaves’ Future of Supply Chain conference located in Rogers, Arkansas.

As if hosting a live show isn’t nerve-racking enough, host Blythe Brumleve invited Freightwaves CEO Craig Fuller on the show and he did not disappoint.

Included in the global supply chain conversation, we discuss the evolving geopolitical struggles that will lead to a surge in US-based manufacturing. While that’s interesting by itself, the real star conversation of the show is Craig’s disdain for LinkedIn and praise for Twitter as a tool to connect and network with other folks within the industry.

Follow Craig Fuller on Twitter

Connect with Craig on LinkedIn–but don’t you dare DM him with a lame pitch

Cyberly is hosted by Blythe Brumleve and covers B2B marketing, the attention economy, and how it ties into the world of logistics. Airing every Thursday at 2pm ET, you can follow the podcast on Spotify and Apple while catching the video replays on Freightwaves TV.

Connect with Blythe via her website or on Linkedin, YouTube, and TikTok

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