Privacy and data protection are closely interconnected, perhaps so much so that we often think of them as synonymous. Distinguishing between the two is fundamental to understanding what business obligations we have in protecting them and abiding by regulations.

Helping us understand this area is Alison Baker, Partner at Hall & Wilcox and an expert in assisting organisations with responding to data breaches. She outlines what the business obligations are and what you need to be thinking about as you handle confidential information in your business.

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1:09 Can you explain the difference between privacy and data protection?

2:14 What are the cornerstone laws that are in place for these two disciplines?

3:30 What are the business obligations in Australia for these two disciplines?

5:53 How comprehensive is the Australian privacy and data protection framework? 

7:00 Have lawmakers kept up to date with new technological advancements?

8:18 What do you hope to see in the future state of privacy and data protection laws and regulations? Is there room for improvement? 

11:03 Do you believe businesses find it challenging to comply with these regulations?

13:06 Can you describe what kind of capabilities businesses need to have in place to adhere to these regulations and laws? 

15:14 What are common themes for businesses that are suffering in these scenarios?

18:10 How impactful is a data breach to a business?

19:39 What should businesses be considering for collecting personal and health information of employees to minimise COVID-19 risks?

23:27 Can you talk through privacy considerations for remote working arrangements?

25:43 Can you tell us what your personal view on privacy is? Is it a fundamental human right or should we be looking at it differently?

27:16 Is the COVIDSafe app safe? Can we trust the app to not disclose our information?

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