In the business world we often think cybersecurity is just about our technical solutions. The firewall and antivirus software should be enough, right? Not quite.

Bastien Treptel, Co-Founder of CTRL Group, takes us into the hacker mindset to share some of the social engineering techniques his team uses in an ethical breach. He also helps us clarify what social engineering actually entails and shares some insight into how it's changing during a new era of working from home and other COVID-19 consequences.

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1:04 How did social engineering originate?

2:05 What outcomes does a social engineering technique drive?

2:32 What are common misconceptions of social engineering?

5:06 Walk us through how your team thinks through planning a social engineering attack?

9:00 Why is it challenging for businesses to understand social engineering attacks?

10:09 What makes an attacker successful at social engineering?

11:56 What do you recommend for businesses to secure themselves and protect against potential social engineering threats?

14:03 What should businesses watch out for as they start increasing their digital activities?

17:52 What is CTRL Group doing to adapt to this environment and deliver (ethical) social engineering attacks?

19:51 What are current trends in attacks?

21:27 What are the implications for social engineering in working from home arrangements?

25:42 Any final thoughts?

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