Reality check: most cyberattacks and privacy infringements are not a result of sophisticated hacking done by malicious adversaries who want to hold your system hostage or steal all your data. They result from the victim falling into a criminal's trap by clicking on “interesting” malicious links or (re)using weak credentials all over their online accounts.

Most people who aren’t in tech won’t even know their device was attacked or their credentials stolen.

In fact, a majority of infringements on users' privacy and security are not noticeable at the moment they occur. You only perceive it later, when you get bombarded with unwanted emails, tracking-enabled newsletters, and targeted ads on your timeline, among others.

The good news is there are a few basic steps you can take to significantly bolster your security posture across all your devices and digital footprint. 

If you are a business owner, this would substantially increase the protection of your business assets, including your clients’ valuable data. It’s also an opportunity to practice empathy towards those who are a critical part of your business. (We’ll show you how.)

Inspired by our experience in the field of cybersecurity, privacy, and the technology we use, we share some tips you can implement to increase your business’ safety.

In this episode, we break down common beliefs business owners have over the issues of privacy and cybersecurity. You’ll also learn how a password manager and two-factor authentication can reduce the risk of your accounts being illegally accessed. Additionally, we’ll explain why you should only collect the data you absolutely need from your clients.

In this episode, you will learn:

Misconceptions many business owners have around privacy and cybersecurity (03:42)Three principles that will lead to a safer and more ethical behavior (08:55)Why you should get a password manager (13:16)The importance of two-factor authentication (15:01)Why you should avoid collecting more data than you need (24:21)


Fathom Analytics (Website analytics tool)Rose Wintle (Website)Authy (2-factor authentication tool)Easy Data Protection GuideNo To Spy Pixels

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