Cyber security goes beyond protecting your digital assets!

The unique part of cybersecurity is that the more you know about it, the less secure you feel. This can limit your digital experience and even cause anxiety because you constantly feel exposed to invisible threats.

Design and user experience make a substantial contribution to making online security and privacy easier to understand and manage. Visual cues and certain types of interactions with websites, apps, and other digital products teach us what a safe experience looks and feels like. With these habits formed, we can identify when something goes amiss so we can spot the threat and act with caution. 

Today I’m joined by Lucian Grofsonean, brand strategist and brand designer who developed the visual identity for this podcast. I’m very glad to have Lucian as a guest in his very first podcast interview. He’ll share with us his perspective on Cyber Empathy as an industry outsider and the inspiration behind the inspired designs that he created.

In this episode, you’ll learn about the challenges Lucian encountered while trying to integrate empathy and cybersecurity, two notions that, at first glance, seem to have nothing in common. You’ll also get to hear about this important topic from an outsider’s perspective. Lastly, you’ll hear about a real-life story on a cybersecurity breach and the impact it had on the targeted company, as well as its users.

In this episode, you will learn:

The challenges faced when trying to combine cybersecurity and empathy into a coherent and appealing visual identity (04:12)The inspiration behind the podcast’s brand design (06:34)How empathy goes a long way in every company (11:08)How adding extra layers of security to a platform impacts the users (15:58)


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