Chris Hoyt connects with Stephen Rothberg of to talk about how the pandemic has impacted college events and how virtual events are better targeted at middle-of-the-funnel candidates.

Announcer 0:00Welcome to the CXR channel, our premier podcasts for talent acquisition and talent management. Listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt 0:15All right, everybody, welcome to CXR eXpert Tease. I'm Chris Hoyt president of CareerXroads, and I'm bringing to you a new segment of our podcast that sits us down for just a few moments with industry leaders to talk about lessons they've learned their biggest victories most difficult failures, or just to walk us through step by step how to do something challenging or interesting within our space. Now, the thing worth noting is that these are just about 15 minutes in durations they are an expert tease. So as I mentioned, each of the discussions have focused topics or subjects that were voted on by the talent industry in a CXR conducted a survey that came out earlier this year. So these were areas that multinational recruitment leaders said we're big concerns for them, and that they wanted to talk about so this included things like DE&I topics, recruiting automation, the old buy versus build challenge, ethics, back to workplace challenges, sourcing, so on, and so on, and so on. So, if you're with us live, we're going to encourage everyone to add questions to the chat area of our broadcast throughout the talk. And at the end of the segment, we'll take a question or two if we've got the time. And then we'll move the rest of the conversations online to the talent talks open and public exchange and you can find that at talks. So we'll get on with it. I'm pleased to address today's topic of college recruiting focus, right. And I'm pretty excited because we've got none other than longtime industry friend, Steven Rothberg. Steven is the founder of College Recruiter which believes every student and recent graduate deserves an amazing career. College Recruiter is a job search site for those who don't know, and it's used by about two and a half million students. I think I got that right, Steven, and recent grads a year to find part time seasonal internship and entry level jobs. Hi, Steven.

Steven Rothberg, College Recruiter 2:03Hey, Chris, great to be with you.

Chris Hoyt 2:05Thanks. So thanks for taking the time to be our guest on this expertise. Now, the topic of course, and you and I sort of touched base on this before, but it's about increasing campus. And student engagement during a time when in person recruiting for early career and interns is is nearly impossible. And what's fascinating to me is that we've had a number of our members come in, in some meetings this year, and who have said that, surprisingly, the virtual approach and what they've had to do from an internship standpoint due to the pandemic has been wildly successful for them. And that's kind of what got us talking to you about what's coming up what's ahead and what we should know. So my question to you is, what do you want to share with our listeners about introducing and managing an employer's brand? And how that's been turned upside down with events and virtual career fairs now?

Steven Rothberg, College Recruiter 2:55Yeah, yeah. Thanks. So, you know, traditionally, college and university recruiting has been done almost exclusively by large organizations, fortune 1000. Companies, government agencies, and other employers that are hiring at scale. Some of them are b2c, you know, with Apple, Google, Facebook, whatever go on campus, the students all know those brands. And the organizations don't need to tell the students what Google does, for example, a lot of them are our B2B, business to business, or B2G business to government. And those brands definitely do,