Announcer 0:00Welcome to the CXR channel our premier podcast for talent acquisition and talent management listen in as the CXR community discusses a wide range of topics focused on attracting, engaging and retaining the best talent. We're glad you're here.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 0:45Alright, welcome to CXR's eXpert Tease. I'm Chris Hoyt president of CareerXroads and I'm bringing to you a new fast paced delivery of hot topics with industry leaders, and experts. Each week, we're actually hosting a guest who will share with us lessons they've learned their biggest victories or failures, or walk us through step by step how to actually accomplish something challenging within our space. Now, the kicker is that these are just a 15 minute talk a teaser with an expert in the field of the topic of choice. Now, each of the discussions has a focus on topics or subjects that were voted on by industry leaders via a CXR survey that was conducted earlier in the year now, these were areas that multinational recruitment leader said were big concerns for them, moving forward into 2021, those covered DE&I, ethics, automation, college recruiting budget challenges, etc, etc. So we'd encourage everyone to add questions to the chat area of our live broadcast throughout the talk. And at the end of the segment, we'll take a question or two if we've got the time. And then we'll move the rest of the conversation online to talent talks open and public exchanging you'll find that So I am pleased to address excuse me today's topic of recruiting and automation with none other than Aaron Matos. Now, Aaron is the CEO of And essentially, they deliver an AI assistant that helps recruiting teams by automating things like lead gen screening, scheduling, and I think even applicant q&a. Paradox has been around since 2016. But Aaron, I think you and I go all the way back to your days of when you were founding or when you found it. And you were running jogging comm in like 2000. Yeah,

Aaron Matos, Paradox 2:46Yep. It's been a while.

Chris Hoyt, CXR 2:47Yeah, well, thank you for taking the time to be our guest on this expertise. The topic, of course, is recruiting automation, and more specifically, what you have learned about automation and yourself really, since taking to task automation with industry. So the question, I guess that just comes down to what big takeaways you've actually learned, what would you tell your younger self about recruiting automation and AI? If you could go back to 2015? Before Paradox.

Aaron Matos, Paradox 3:16That's awesome. Thanks, Chris. Thanks, Gerry, Shannon, Barb, everyone for for having us here. Um, I've been in the space a long time. And I think I think that question, I have to go back to my, what my younger self was and who, who I was and what drove me. And the interesting thing is, I'm a practitioner at heart and got into I got into HR because I was working full time through college and got my degree in HR, because I always felt if you got the people thing, right, you could build great teams. And so I just got obsessed with this team thing and recruiting, recruiting and training and coming my passion. Because if you got that stuff, right, you could build great organizations. And I think early in my career, when I when we launched jobbing in 2000, I thought it was late to the internet, obviously not late to the internet. It felt like it at the time, we grew that business tremendously. But I've always been kind of committed to this idea of first, it's all about great people, like the people come first. And it was also always passionate about what I like to call the art of recruiting. And so I didn't want technology to really get in the I'll call it get in the way of the art which to me The art is, you know, Gerry determining that Shannon's the right person for the team. And and all that goes into that because I've always just thought that there's so much nuance that goes into that when y...

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