“I tell young coaches and young trainers all the time, just because you have the title of strength coach at this school or the title of trainer at this school that really doesn’t mean anything, it means absolutely nothing other than the paycheck.” 


“Ultimately, if the kids come to you and the athletes come to you and you help them and you come up with answers for them they’re going to keep coming to you.”


I got the opportunity to chop it up with Boo Schexnayder in this week’s episode of The Podcast. Throughout the 35-minute chat we talk about:


1)     What coaching is, and where he sees the role of “problems” in coaching.

2)     What the coach’s role in injuries actually is.

3)     The importance of drawing knowledge from multiple fields

4)     Some of the unique challenges to the educational progressions of coaches

5)     What he truly loves about sports

6)     What really drives buy-in and brings athlete’s back to a coach. 

7)     How cultural norms hold us back from being elite

8)     The effects of commercially driven trends and fads

9)     Why some means and methods have stood the test of time


We are so excited to have Coach Boo on the docket as part of The Pittsburgh Seminar, and hope you’re able to join us April 29th and 30th at Union Fitness in Pittsburgh, PA! Tap the link to book your seat today! https://cvasps.com/the-2022-pittsburgh-seminar/