“None of this strength and conditioning shit matters if we can’t get our athletes to understand what we’re asking them to do, or if they don’t understand how it applies. If they don’t get it, it doesn’t matter.”


Welcome back to The Podcast. If I was going to bring this thing back it had to be Jeff Moyer batting leadoff. In this 40-minute talk, Jeff and I talk about:


1)     The new and unique rabbit holes that the pandemic has allowed Jeff to dive down

2)     What were the driving factors behind him digging deep into neurology, and what this research has impacted in his evaluations and programming?

3)     How his personal experiences growing up have been a guiding light in pushing him to find better answers.

4)     How “comfort zones” don’t’ just limit athlete’s, but coaches as well. 

5)     The importance of a mentor, and why young coaches need to reach out to people as early as possible to learn from them

6)     The importance of his presentation being applicable the Monday after The Pittsburgh Seminar and what to expect from his presentation. 


A huge thanks to Exxentric for supporting the show. Exxentric is the leader in fly wheel technology. Their kBox and kPulley have had a huge impact in the preparation and RTP programs. Make sure you hop over to www.exxentric.com and check out all their sensational products today!


We are so excited to have Jeff back on the docket as part of The Pittsburgh Seminar, and hope you’re able to join us April 29th and 30th at Union Fitness in Pittsburgh, PA! Tap the link to book your seat today! https://cvasps.com/the-2022-pittsburgh-seminar/