Do you ever feel like you create so much content but you still struggle to populate all the platforms you’re on?


Like you have ideas pouring out of your brain like water but somehow you still run short?


Like when you sit down to write a social media post or an email to your list, it feels as dry as my skin in winter?


I sometimes feel like that, and when I do, I sit myself down and think: Am I using the Swiss Army Knife of content?

What can I borrow from over here and put in over there?

So if the Swiss Army Knife in my analogy is ALL of your content, then the different tools that come out of it are the different ways your content can be formatted and chopped up and expanded and shared.


In today's episode of Cutting Chai Stories, I take you through three real-life examples of how to repurpose your content like a pro.

In one, I start with a longform piece of content (an episode of this podcast, actually), and show you how to chop it up for use on social media and email.

In another I show how to start with a 60-second Reel and deepen it to a longer piece of content.

Once you start looking at your own content this way, you'll find it easier to be more consistent, to get your audience's attention, and will have a TON more ideas for content because nothing goes to waste.

Also, I want to make sure you know about my new workshop, Un-Bore Yourself, which is all about how to rediscover the magic and passion behind your core message.

You know when you get bored of saying the same thing over and over? Like you know you’ve said it so many times you yourself start yawning when you need to say it again? When you’re worried your subscribers will hit unsubscribe coz THEY’RE so bored of you saying the same thing over and over again?


Well, your core message is your core message for a reason. It’s important. It forms the backbone of what you do. Your potential customers NEED to understand this so they can take the next step. So you can’t stop saying it. But you CAN stop being bored by it. Because the way that it DOESN’T turn your audience off is when YOU are so irresistibly in LOVE with your message that your enthusiasm shines right through.


And this workshop I’m hosting is gonna do just that. It’s gonna help you re-discover the deliciousness of your OWN message.


It’s called Un-Bore Yourself, it’s on Saturday, October 1st, one and a half hours on Zoom and it’s just $25, which means you have NO excuse to not fall back in love with your own message.