Join me for an insightful conversation with Bart Sobies, the powerhouse behind The Accommodation Show, iBooked.Online, and the STRIVE to Thrive Conference. Bart's entrepreneurial journey began at just 15 with his first online business, which grew into a successful tech company. With his deep expertise in technology, marketing, and investment, Bart has become a guiding light in the hospitality industry.

As an authority on direct bookings, marketing, branding, and digital products, Bart has helped thousands of hospitality owners generate millions in additional revenue through iBooked.Online. He also leads the Accommodation Professionals Network, a vibrant community of over 2,500 professionals sharing industry insights.

In 2023, Bart led the ground-breaking 5-Day AI Challenge, educating hosts on leveraging AI to boost direct bookings. His influence spans the globe with speaking engagements at prestigious events like ASTRA Conference, The Book Direct Show, Vintory Mastermind, and No Vacancy.

This year, Bart is touring Australia, presenting at key conferences, and sharing his knowledge on industry podcasts. Tune in to discover how you can elevate your direct bookings and thrive in the competitive tourism landscape! 🌏✨