On this week’s episode of the podcast, Tracey and I are talking all about routine, being boring, & the idea of re-parenting yourself in adulthood. The question around which this discussion revolves is:  Does “boring” routine actually give you more space to be interesting and creative? This is the topic

Specific topics discussed include:

Why Tracey and I both love routine Why we resist routine How routine frees up brain space Routine as a way to re-parent yourself Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Learning safety, predictability, and trust in the first three years of life We all have gaps from our childhood Routine build self-trust Not keeping commitments to yourself and self betrayal We can get addicted to chaos Creating new habits and routines gets easier the more you do it Distinguishing between intuition and resistance Decision fatigue and how routine mitigates against this Discipline equals freedom but not rigidity And more!

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Cayly’s instagram post about routine

John Bowlby and attachment theory

Dr. Nicole LePera, the holistic psychologist on Instagram

The Self Betrayal Cycle


Remember, if you have any topics or questions you’d like us to address in a future episode, comment here or email us at our joint email account:  [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you!

Finally, one more request for you to please head over to iTunes and leave us a 5-star rating and/or review if you’re enjoying the podcast. Please note that you have to search for Curious & Curiouser in iTunes in order to leave a review — even if you’re already subscribed. Thanks so much for the support and for taking this annoying extra step to rate us. We really appreciate it!