Today, you’ll learn about the dreams of birds, why sound pollution in the oceans could be killing whales, and how fruit-eating birds are doing the work to save tropical forests.  


Bird Dreams 


“Birds sing in their sleep - and now we can decipher their dreams.” by Paul McClure. 2024.  “Replay of innate vocal patterns during night sleep in suboscines.” by Juan F. Doppler, et al. 2021.  “Synthesizing avian dreams.” by Juan F. Doppler, et al. 2024.  “What is World Environment Day.” n.a. N.d.  


Whales & Noise  


“Avoidance, confusion, solitude: whales react to rising noise pollution.” The University of Melbourne. 2024.  “Avoidance, confusion or solitude? Modelling how noise pollution affects whale migration.” by Stuart T. Johnston & Kevin J. Painter. 2024.  “How First Contact With a Whale Civilization Could Unfold.” by Ross Anderson. 2024.  


Fruit-Eaters Save Forest 


“Tropical forests can’t recover naturally without fruit eating birds.” EurekAlert! 2024.  “Frugivores enhance potential carbon recovery in fragmented landscapes.”  by Carolina Bello. 2024.  


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