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105 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 22 ratings

Charlotte and Grace are two friends who want to expand the conversation around female sexuality and pleasure by talking openly about their own sex lives and experiences as women. Cum on this journey with us as we relearn everything about our bodies and ourselves!

Relationships Society & Culture Health & Fitness Sexuality sex positive pussy women empowerment feminism body positive orgasms clitoris female
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Episode 54: Butt Stuff 🍑

December 03, 2020 07:00 - 41 minutes - 76.3 MB

We get all up in that Ass exploring the many ways you can pleasure your poo hole. Anal sex is still seen as a cultural taboo despite many Americans reporting that they have engaged in some type of anal play. We also discuss the do's and doo doo not's of anal penetration. Hot Tip Load up on Lube Anal Resources Butt Plugs and Educational Videos

Episode 53: Femmedoms and Foot Fanoodlers

November 26, 2020 07:00 - 42 minutes - 78.2 MB

Grace and Charlotte dip their big toes (the thumb of the foot) into the foot fetish pool. Turns out a lot of people are swimming in it! They talk about the logistics of being a foot model and wonder how to capitalize on the foot fondlers out there. The feet are the most common fetishized non genital body part. We find out the brain's connection to foot arousal and how some women are making a living out of foot play and femmedom. Some literature on the matter

Episode 52: Just the Tip: Women Watching Porn

November 19, 2020 07:00 - 42 minutes - 77.8 MB

Charlotte and Grace get personal about their porn-viewing habits and strategy for finding the right flick. We talk about what porn trends with female viewers and give our perspectives on our big turn-ons and OFFS in porn. We talk about trending search terms during election week and muse about Bernie Sanders' sexual prowess. Share your favorite porn sites with us (preferably more feminist!) and tell us what types of porn really get your engine revving! Join the conversation in our Facebook Gro...

Episode 51: Well, Here We Are

November 05, 2020 07:00 - 45 minutes - 82.5 MB

Listen to Golden Showers and share any personal golden shower anecdotes with us! Join the conversation in our Facebook Group ( Follow us on Instagram (, Facebook (, and Twitter ( Please rate us 5 stars and leave a review on Apple Podcasts (

Episode 50: A Hot Pepper Up the Ass and Other Spooky Tales

October 29, 2020 06:00 - 52 minutes - 96 MB

The Cum Queens get Spooky and share listener horror sex stories. We contemplate the future of abortion access in regard to the new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and share a groundbreaking treatment "Trump Conversion Therapy" implemented by dominatrix Empress Delfina. Spoiler Alert Trump Supporters are getting railed by Trump (literally) Meet your new Supreme Court Justice

Episode 49: Think Before You Pink: Breast Cancer Awareness

October 15, 2020 06:00 - 38 minutes - 71.2 MB

See Mary J. Blige talking about the P.O.W.E.R of Sure Campaign Watch a video on how to do a self breast exam Learn about the dangers of Pinkwashing Learn more about Pink Ribbon marking with Think Before You Pink Good Breast Cancer Organizations to Support: https://ww...

Episode 48: Erotic Aquatics

October 01, 2020 06:00 - 44 minutes - 81.8 MB

In this wet and wild episode, we talk about all the bodies of water one can fuck in. We learn about the potential risks involved and why it might be worth it anyway. Tune in and share your water sex stories with us! Join the conversation in our Facebook Group ( Follow us on Instagram (, Facebook (, and Twitter ( Please rate us ...

Episode 47: Pussy News: RBG, ICE's Uterus Collector, and The Danish Kids Show Causing a Stir

September 24, 2020 06:00 - 48 minutes - 89.5 MB

See women pleaing for help from the ICE detention facility Read about the Whistleblower Dawn Wooten who talks about forced hysterectomies See Dawn Wooten on Democracy Now Watch a clip of "Ultra Strips Down" on YouTube See the NYTimes Article on the show

Episode 46: Bleed Free and Die Hard

September 17, 2020 06:00 - 42 minutes - 77.9 MB

Have you tried free bleeding? We learn all about this approach to periods on this week's episode. We talk about the shame and stigma surrounding periods and how bleeding your freest can help break those barriers. We learn about the environmental impact of menstrual products, talk about those who do not have access to products, and learn about some other unexpected benefits of just letting it all bleed out. We also give tips if you want to try it! See the Vice Photo series "There Will Be Blood...

Episode 45: Scent of a Woman (Rebroadcast)

September 10, 2020 16:00 - 42 minutes - 79.2 MB

The CumQueen's can't believe how many problems the products marketed towards women to affect their natural vaginal scent can cause. Charlotte shares her experiences with using these products and we find out about the other women who have had negative experiences with them. Find out the surprising side effects that these products cause and the seedy secret of companies that make them. Learn what your vaginal odor should be like and when its time to talk to a healthcare professional if certain ...

Episode 44: WAP: Whack Ass Purity Rings

September 03, 2020 06:00 - 47 minutes - 86.4 MB

Grace and Charlotte talk about their own expereinces with abstinence only education and purity culture. Grace shares her story of receiving a purity ring from her Father. The fusion of Church and State began with The Regan administration and continues to this day. Billions of dollars were spent on abstinence only education that proved to be unsucessful at preventing teen pregnancy and premarital sex. Resources

Episode 43: Sex, Lies, & Video Tape

August 27, 2020 06:00 - 45 minutes - 83 MB

In a ridiculous Facebook posting, Asheville Police Department warns unsuspecting male masturbators about the dangers of "cam girl scammers" and the crime of "sextortion." Charlotte and Grace delve into this bullshit and wonder why their tax dollars are being wasted on such things. After a recent visit from the occupant of the White House, they look at how the incumbant is using his office to campaign and lift up local Republican Congressional candidate Madison Cawthorn. We learn about the sca...

Episode 42: Especially Heinous: Untested Rape Kits

August 20, 2020 06:00 - 47 minutes - 87.6 MB

Did you watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and think that sexually based offenses were actually solved and prosecuted? You can't believe everything you see on TV. In this week's episode, we learn all about how rape kits have historically been handled by police. We find out how states are starting to address the huge backlogs. We rethink the ways we allocate funding to police departments and how we can move to a model of transformative justice. Resources:

Episode 41: Femtech (Rebroadcast)

August 13, 2020 06:00 - 42 minutes - 59 MB

In this episode, Charlotte and Grace talk about digital products targeted towards womens health. Products that fall under the Femtech umbrella range from fertility trackers to vibrators. They share some exciting new start-ups that can lead to a more equitable healthcare system when it comes to "lady problems." Is Femtech the golden girl of the free market? Here are some links to the products and articles we discuss in the episode: Fertility Tracker Mentrualome Track...

Episode 40: Covid Horny? Have a Zorgy!

August 06, 2020 06:00 - 47 minutes - 65 MB

Video chat orgies are the latest trend in safe pandemic sex. Zoom has been a popular host for orgies of upwards of a hundred people, but the company is slamming down the censorship hammer in the name of FOSTA-SESTA. Is there a place where people can get off safely on the internet without being monitored or banned? Resources Zoom Censorship

Episode 39: Bitches Get Stuff Done

July 30, 2020 06:00 - 47 minutes - 86.5 MB

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was accosted on the steps of Congress by Florida Congressman Ted Yoho. Her response, which has spread quickly across the interwebs, is a great example of how we can handle challenges to our power. We discuss the pattern of men using their women and daughters as a defense for the misogynist behavior. We learn about the history of "bitch" and how we feel about the term in general. We have so much to learn from AOC and the other powerful women of color that...

Episode 38: SQUIRTING!

July 23, 2020 06:00 - 38 minutes - 70.5 MB

Have you ever squirted? Have you wondered what it is made of and how you can try to do it if you haven't? We learn about the science behind squirting as well as what there is still is to learn on this mysterious subject. We talk about how porn can influence our beliefs about squirting, which may or may not be real when shown on-screen. We find out why squirting porn is banned in the UK. We explore the substances that make up this bodily fluid and learn tips on how to squirt, if it floats your...

Episode 37: The Hidden History of Forced Sterilization

July 16, 2020 06:00 - 41 minutes - 75.3 MB

Did you know that there used to be eugenics boards that could force sterilization on unwilling and uninformed victims? We learn about this practice, which became a model for the Nazis, and how victims are still seeking reparations for these programs today. We discuss the how Charles Darwin's cousin promoted eugenics and explore the ways that those who suffered from the practice of forced sterilization were impacted. We learn about the disparate impact on Black and Indigenous women in the prom...

Episode 36: Sex Allergies Are Nothing To Sneeze At

July 09, 2020 06:00 - 35 minutes - 48.3 MB

For this week's episode we talk allergies, specifically ones that can affect your sex life. Did you know that you can be allergic to your partner's semen or their kisses? Is it a sign from the Sex God's that you shouldn't be together? We discuss that and more. Grace also reveals that she will never stick meat in her vagina. References

Episode 35: This Week in Pussy News: Johnson & Johnson revisited and Supreme Court Rulings

July 02, 2020 06:00 - 48 minutes - 66.7 MB

In this weeks episode Charlotte and Grace discuss the latest Supreme Court wins for LGBTQ rights and abortion protections in Louisiana. They also revisit the corruption within Johnson & Johnson and discuss the latest’s ruling by the Missouri Appeals court declaring the company is responsible for 2.1 billion dollars payable to the plaintiffs who developed ovarian cancer over decades of talc baby powder use. These court rulings are wins and should be celebrated but there is still much work that...

Episode 34: What that Mouth Do

June 25, 2020 06:00 - 46 minutes - 85.4 MB

We learn some very surprising information about our sexy mouths. We talk about first kisses, weird kisses, wet kisses, and after-oral kisses. We learn about what partners share after swapping their mouth fluids. We find out how to work that tongue out for maximum pleasure. We give some updates from our previous episode on tear gas and discuss how the pandemic has increased the need for mouth-safety. See the strange Desus and Mero wolf-mouth video here:

Episode 33: Tear Gassing The Masses

June 18, 2020 06:00 - 49 minutes - 67.6 MB

The CumQueens discuss various instances of police brutality against protesters during the Black Lives Matter protests that have gripped the world. The local police forces around the nation are using military weapons against civilians during peaceful protests. Charlotte and Grace discuss the dangerous conditions the police have created for protestors and how white allies can show up and support the BLM movement without centering themselves. References and Resources: Asheville PD Destroy Medic ...

Episode 32: White Feminism (REBROADCAST)

June 11, 2020 06:00 - 44 minutes - 82.3 MB

Racism and white supremacy are a huge part of our culture. The situation is no different within the women's movement, which has struggled with White Feminism, which is when white women choose to only pay attention to issues that impact them personally and suppress the voices of women of color. We look at the disparities between black women, women of color and white women in everything from wages to wealth to health outcomes. We talk about common tactics white women use and how we can change ...

Episode 31: The Women's Pandemic

May 28, 2020 06:00 - 46 minutes - 63.3 MB

Women Get Shit Done! Charlotte and Grace discuss how Women have had to step up in every aspect of their lives to deal with Covid 19. From work to home schooling, women are bearing the brunt of economic and familial impacts of the Corona Virus. Resources:

Episode 30: The Mighty Bra

May 21, 2020 06:00 - 53 minutes - 98.2 MB

The bra is much more than a fashion accessory. Many women have a tumultuous relationship with their bras. Grace and Charlotte explore the evolution of the bra and their love/hate relationship with the undergarment. We also hear from the people! Grace goes over the results of a facebook poll asking if local Asheville women are wearing bras during quarantine. Brassiere History

Episode 29: Au Naturale Birth Control

May 14, 2020 06:00 - 39 minutes - 53.7 MB

Grace and Charlotte discuss alternative birth control methods that do not involve synthetic hormones. They explore the benefits and downsides of Fertility Awareness Methods. When are women going to be able to have it all? i.e. Contraceptive protection as well as limited or even no side affects to our mental health, body, and wallets? Disclaimer* We are in no way medical professionals and we have no idea how effective these natural methods are at preventing pregnancies. Please consult with you...

Episode 28: The Wonderful World of Dental Dams

May 07, 2020 06:00 - 36 minutes - 66.4 MB

Grace and Charlotte talk about a subject that has been puzzling them for a long dams. They learn that this product is used as a barrier method for STI protection during oral sex. So why aren't they widely used or talked about? They go further down the dental dam rabbit hole to find out. Not surprisingly they find that lack of awareness is most likely a result of cisgender and heterosexual norms that encompass mainstream sex-education. Dental Dam Info https://www.plannedparentho...

Episode 27: Women Leaders Crushing the Coronavirus

April 30, 2020 06:00 - 50 minutes - 93.1 MB

Grace and Charlotte talk about the Women leaders around the world who have made and are making reasonable decisions regarding the pandemic. World leaders have known about the possibility of a pandemic since December of 2019 and Women leaders around the world who implemented early intervention practices have successfully flattened the curve in their countries and have seen dramatically less death rates than countries in Europe and the US. They discuss why Women leaders are doing a better job ...

Episode 26: This week in Pussy News: Biden, Sex Work, and Sex Toys

April 23, 2020 06:00 - 33 minutes - 61.5 MB

Charlotte and Grace talk Joe Biden, Legal Sex Work, and Sex Toys. Joe Biden's uncomfortable sexual advances to women are no secret. Eight women have gone on record regarding his behavior and Tara Reade is the latest to share her story, despite being silenced by the media and bashed by the presidential candidate and his political advisors. Sex workers are being discriminated against yet again. They are excluded from obtaining small business loans in the 2 trillion dollar U.S bailout in respo...

Episode 25: Piercing for Pleasure

April 16, 2020 06:00 - 48 minutes - 89 MB

Grace and Charlotte researched the most popular erotic piercings. Piercings can provide heightened personal and partner stimulation in the bedroom. They cover the pros and cons of getting nipple, genital and tongue piercings including healing time and which piercings can provide the most stimulation during sex. Genital piercings are more complicated than they thought. It is important to research the piercing you want and see if you have the proper anatomy to accommodate it. Consult with a re...

Episode 24: "Hillary" on Hulu

April 09, 2020 06:00 - 41 minutes - 76.3 MB

Grace and Charlotte talk through their viewing experience of Hillary the HULU doc series. The documentary covers Hillary Rodham Clinton's early life and her carrer. The CumQueens re-evaluate their feelings about Hillary and the roles she played and had to play to survive in the political arena. Hillary is one of the most divisive political figures in American history and a true trail blazer for womens rights. Politics and social opinion change remarably fast. Its so important to reflect on th...

Episode 23: Unwanted Attention: An Interview With Donna Freitas Part II

April 02, 2020 06:00 - 38 minutes - 69.8 MB

The CumQueens conclude their interview with Donna Freitas, author of Consent: A Memoir of Unwanted Attention. We discuss the issues involved with reporting sexual harassment and violence and how we can take our power back despite the mandatory reporting system being designed to protect the institution and not the victim. Part of taking that power back is being able to celebrate your sexuality while protecting yourself from those that have malintent. We walk away with the reassurance that we a...

Episode 22: Unwanted Attention: An Interview With Donna Freitas

March 26, 2020 06:00 - 40 minutes - 73.3 MB

In the CumQueens' first interview, we talk with Donna Freitas as she shares her experience of being stalked by a trusted mentor while she was in grad school. We learn about her non-disclosure agreement and why she decided to write her book in spite of it. We discuss accountability and power dynamics in relationships and the ways in which consent plays a part in all facets of our lives. We explore how shame and self-blame plays a part in almost every survivor's story. We talk about how the mem...

Episode 21: How to Stay Sexy Through Corona

March 19, 2020 06:00 - 35 minutes - 65.2 MB

The CumQueens cum up with ideas on how to keep the love alive in the time of Corona. How do we harness our inner sexiness and stay sane during all this? Fantastic advice from Plague Doctor role play to supplementing your income with Sugar Daddies. Porn industry, ahead of the curve

Episode 20: Femtech

March 12, 2020 06:00 - 42 minutes - 58.5 MB

In this episode, Charlotte and Grace talk about digital products targeted towards womens health. Products that fall under the Femtech umbrella range from fertility trackers to vibrators. They share some exciting new start-ups that can lead to a more equitable healthcare system when it comes to "lady problems." Is Femtech the golden girl of the free market? Here are some links to the products and articles we discuss in the episode: Fertility Tracker Mentrualome Track...

Episode 19: Nipples Tho

March 05, 2020 07:00 - 45 minutes - 44 MB

In this episode, Charlotte and Grace find out all there is to know about their nipples and areaolas. They find out why males have nipples too, how nipples get hard and what it really means, and how we can achieve nipple orgasms beyond our wildest dreams. The sound gets kinda fucked midway through the episode due to technical difficulties but the content is well worth it. Tell us your nipple stories! Do you have a male partner who is into nipple play? Do you have any hot sex toys you can recom...

Episode 18: Shrink It and Pink It

February 27, 2020 07:00 - 36 minutes - 67 MB

On this week's episode, the CumQueens look at the Pink Tax and the ways in which gender-based marketing and capitalism collide to hit women where it hurts: in our wallets, pocketbooks and fanny packs. We learn all about how everyday items are marked up when they are directed towards women. We learn how this practice has started from birth and how we can fight back. We also examine the real state sales taxes that unfairly charge women for the products they need to get through their menstrual c...

Episode 17: Sex Worker Inclusive Feminism: Rights Vs. Rescue

February 20, 2020 07:00 - 43 minutes - 79.7 MB

NOW- the National Organization for Women, has stirred up controversy through supporting policies that treat sex workers as victims instead of including them in the conversation and having them decide how they should be represented. In this episode, we learn about how laws around sex work disproportionately impact some groups and how the legal system has caused difficulty in maintaining health and safety for sex workers. We talk about New Zealand's decriminalization of sex work and the power a...

Episode 16: White Feminism

February 13, 2020 07:00 - 44 minutes - 82.3 MB

Racism and white supremacy are a huge part of our culture. The situation is no different within the women's movement, which has struggled with White Feminism, which is when white women choose to only pay attention to issues that impact them personally and supressing the voices of women of color. We look at the disparities between black women, women of color and white women in everything from wages to wealth to health outcomes. We talk about common tactics white women use and how we can chang...

Episode 15: Sexting

February 06, 2020 07:00 - 38 minutes - 70.8 MB

Sexting- everyone does it.....right!? Grace and Charlotte tell their own experiences of sexting and talk about how sexting has evolved over time. They discuss remember the days of Anthony Weiner and talk about the latest scandal with Jeff Bezos, which is actually weirdly linked to the orange dude in the White House. This episode includes many hilarious tales of trying to navigate the sextual universe! Do you sext? Share your stories with us. If you haven't, we'd love to hear about why! Join ...

Episode 14: LubeLife

January 30, 2020 07:00 - 39 minutes - 73.2 MB

Lube comes in many forms. Our bodies produce it naturally and you can buy a variety at the store or use household items. We learn all about how our bodies make lubrication, what can affect lubrication levels, and how we can use synthetic lube in the bedroom for decreased pain and increased pleasure. Grace and Charlotte tell their personal stories about using lube and the beliefs that stopped them from trying it sooner. They talk about cultural messaging around women and wetness and the stigma...

Episode 13: Spicy Vaginas, Paltrow's Pussy Candle, and Bloomberg's Sexist Secrets

January 23, 2020 07:00 - 39 minutes - 71.7 MB

How much would you pay for a candle that smells like Gwyneth Paltrow's pussy? Charlotte and Grace talk about the latest product from Goop that Paltrow claims is vagina-scented. Elizabeth Warren says opponent Michael Bloomberg should release women from the many non-disclosure agreements he's had them sign over the years in association with claims of sexual harassment, misconduct and discrimination at his company Bloomberg, Inc. Women are using suprising spices inside their vaginas with danger...

Episode 12: Hair, Hair, Everywhere!

January 16, 2020 07:00 - 46 minutes - 84.8 MB

Hair- we literally have it everywhere! But how has society influenced hairstyles, both on the body and on our heads. We learn about how World War II and capitalism influenced the pressures for hairlessness. We talk about how having short or long head hair makes a statement about our identities. We look at ourselves and our grooming habits and evaluate the role patriarchial systems may have played in our choices. Share your hair journeys with us! Join in on the conversation in our Facebook Gr...

Episode 11: “Women's Work” and the Domestic Divide

January 09, 2020 07:00 - 50 minutes - 92.1 MB

When it comes to work in the home, women are still shouldering the burden. As women make more money and spend more time at paid jobs, they continue to take on the "second shift," coming home to laundry, dishes, and dirty floors. Charlotte and Grace get personal and share how they have (and have not) managed household chores in their homes and the impact that it has had on their current and past relationships. They look at the notion of "performing gender" and the pressures on women to keep a ...

Episode 10: Sex Hormones

January 02, 2020 07:00 - 44 minutes - 81.6 MB

Our bodies and even our brains our influenced by the sex hormones that we have. Grace and Charlotte look at what sex hormones do in our bodies. They talk about their own cycles and try to learn more about how they work. They discuss stereotypes based on hormones and confront the idea that only women are "hormonal." They learn about the way estrogren, progesterone and testosterone influence us. Please rate us 5 stars and leave a review on Apple Podcasts (

Episode 9: The Sexual Revolution

December 26, 2019 07:00 - 42 minutes - 78.5 MB

Charlotte and Grace talk about the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s. From the impact of introduction of The Pill, to bra-burning, the intro of porn into pop culture and changes to sexual norms of the time, they trace the steps of this influential period and how it impacts us today. Read "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm" ( by Anne Koedt Photo of braless protester referenced in episode https://img.buzzfee...

Episode 8: Daddy Issues

December 19, 2019 07:00 - 42 minutes - 77.8 MB

What exactly are "daddy issues" and why do people say women have them? Charlotte and Grace talk about the sexism of this term. They then delve into what they say as the real daddy issue: that dads somehow have ownership over their daughter's bodies and relationship choices. They revisit T.I. and his explanation of his comments on a recent episode of Red Table Talk and use this as a jumping off point for control of women's bodies under the guise of "protection." They talk about experiences wit...

Episode 7: Hysteria

December 12, 2019 07:00 - 41 minutes - 76.5 MB

Charlotte and Grace explore how women's bodies have been ignored, misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and not believed in the history of medicine. From the ancient concept of the "wandering womb," to women's disproportionate death from heart disease, to drugs not being tested on women and the consequences that has led to, they lay out the ways in which medicine has excluded and misrepresented the female body. Learn what you can do to advocate for yourself in medical settings in order to protect your...

Episode 6: TikTok, Vagina Museum and Consent in NC

December 05, 2019 07:00 - 40 minutes - 74.8 MB

TikTok isn't just the latest social media trend for teens, it has also become a venue for topics kids aren't being taught in sex ed. The world's first vagina museum open in London and brings important info along with art and accessories to the mainstream. North Carolina is the last state in the country to change their laws on consent. On this week's episode, Charlotte and Grace talk all about the impact of these things and answer their very first CumQuestion about where their podcast's name c...

Episode 5: Scent of a Woman

November 28, 2019 07:00 - 42 minutes - 78.7 MB

Charlotte and Grace can't believe how many problems the products marketed towards women to affect their natural vaginal scent can cause. Charlotte shares her experiences with using these products and we find out about the other women who have had negative experiences with them. Find out the surprising side effects that these products cause and the seedy secret of companies that make them. Learn what your vaginal odor should be like and when its time to talk to a healthcare professional if cer...


Donna Freitas
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