Next Episode: DILIGENCE

3 Must-Hear Takeaways

Our purpose is using our gifts to serve others. We are more valuable when we help others realize their own gifts. Service is less of an act and more of a mindset.

The Cultivation Podcast Season 5 continues giving you words to live by with this week’s episode on “Service”. Tom goes over what it means to serve others and how it brings meaning to life. 

Across his life, Tom has a history of service — from working at a fast food restaurant and then helping others in the ministry, to now helping awaken the purpose in others. I believe part of our destiny and purpose in our lives is understanding we have gifts, talents and abilities to serve others. Our value is bringing value to others.

We need community because our purpose can’t be lived out by anyone else. We are all interconnected and when you are awakened to our mission, it makes every one of us rise to the next level. You make me better, and I hope I make you better.


In my circle, we need to be more interested than interesting. I make my goal to hear your story and serve your purpose. That is why I do what I do through this podcast, my website, and my book. Adding value is how I serve others.


This whole topic is counterintuitive to where society is because we live in a selfish world. You need to realize that you are more valuable when you help others and help them realize they have their own value. 


Service is less about an act and more about a mindset. The action we’re doing or the person we’re serving isn’t important. What matters is that we have the mindset to serve people. 


I want to build an army of people cultivating to add value in other people. But it starts with a mindset of service.