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The penultimate episode of Season 5 of the Cultivation Podcast features a very special guest...Tom’s wife! Her first time on the podcast will see the couple discuss “Purpose and Comparison” as they wrap up the words to live by season.


Jami is not only Tom’s wife of 21 years, but she is a mother, musician and Health Coach.


Comparison is the examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities. Tom and Jami have seen people be paralyzed by comparisons. Jami advises that while unhealthy comparisons can kill your motivation, healthy comparison can inspire you to be better.


Tom explains unhealthy comparisons are based on comparing yourself to others who have a special skill or unique ability that doesn’t translate to your skills. Meanwhile, healthy motivation is about emulating people you look up to and comparing yourself to identify your growth. 


Jami’s tips for overcoming unhealthy comparisons are to create a mindset that you need to know who you are and be comfortable with yourself. You can’t be anyone else, you need to bring your unique skills and talents to the table. 


She also advises you not to measure yourself with a public image. Public personas, like on social media, are a cultivated and perfected image that doesn’t reflect reality. There’s so many things behind the scenes we don’t see, we can’t compare ourselves to it.


Purpose is defined as something set up as an object or end to be obtained. Jami discusses that while being a mom and wife has a big purpose in her life, getting her body and mind healthy has awakened a new purpose in her life. Being a health coach helps people find their purpose in life.


Jami and Tom note that a major obstacle to finding purpose is getting healthy. Jami points out that when you start getting your body healthy, you get more confidence and it shows you that you’re capable of more than you imagined. It also showcases that you need to invest in yourself.


Lastly, Jami mentions that when it comes to finding purpose, we need a coach in our life. And not just health, but all areas of our lives. 

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