Previous Episode: Workplace Care

Season 6 of the Cultivation Podcast continues its journey discussing the necessity and value of self-care. This week’s episode is about the value of taking care of ourselves to we can stay active. 


We have to build in healthy motion in our lives to improve ourselves physically. I don’t mean getting a Hollywood superhero physique, but one of the worst things we can do to ourselves is to stay stagnant.


I don’t love the gym, but I love having the energy, strength and endurance to show up in my loved ones’ lives and be the best version of myself.


So, what are some steps for promoting physical-care? 


Sleep — Develop a healthy sleep rhythm. We’re never going to feel motivated to do jumping jacks if we don’t have the right amount of sleep. Diet — What you’re putting into the gas tank will determine how well our engine runs. Our blood pressure, our strength, even our joint health is determined by what we eat. Eating — Take a lunch break! Not eating because you’re so busy is a terrible habit. Eat in rhythm and on time. Movement — And if you’re on a break, go for a walk. Healthy motion doesn’t mean running a 5K or bench press, it can be a short walk around your workplace or walking your dog down the street. Stretching — Make sure you’re mobile enough to accomplish your goals and commitments. Stretching promotes movement and that means being able to do what you need to do Rest — Take your vacation time. Not taking the time to rest and recover means the world isn’t getting the best version of you.