Next Episode: Action

3 Must-Hear Takeaways


Have a voice in your life who can identify your growth. Measure your growth by setting a baseline and being specific about effort. Celebrate your progress to train your mind for motivation.


Season 5 of the Cultivation Podcast continues to give words to live by with an episode on “Identity”. Tom is passionate about identity because it keeps them on course or knocks them off course to achieving their goals.


Identity is defined as the distinguishing character or personality of an individual or the relation established by psychological identification. Simply, identity is about how you label yourself. How do you answer the question, “Who are you?” 


We don’t typically choose our identity, we look to personality tests or others close to us to tell us who we are. We have to decide if we will let others define us or we take responsibility and have an intentional identity. 


My identity is evolving because I am constantly growing. Instead of having an accidental identity, I want a personal and intentional identity. That helps me frame and formulate my investment in every relationship, it helps me think about the things I put into others’ lives. 


My choices are based around who I want to become. Nothing about my life is accidental. That doesn’t mean my life is scripted, but the inputs are. There is still the mystery of what I don’t know about myself and looking to discover about/within myself.


This podcast is a foundational motivation for people who want to have an intentional identity. We built this, other resources on our website, and I wrote my book because I believe you want an intentional identity so you can become the person you want to become.