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Habits are such a key part of who we are as people. They shape our identity. We're known by our habits. For example, you can be a smoker, funny, an athlete, or even a binge-watcher.

That is why we must take hold of our habits so we determine our habits instead of them determining us.

In Atomic Habits by James Clear, he outlines several ideas that are crucial for owning our habits:

1. The cost of your good habits is now and the cost of bad habits are down the road. If you eat a bowl of ice cream every day, that's going to be more severe than if you choose to eat something healthy instead. And, the cost is that you choose not to have that bowl of ice cream, but you will be healthier.

2. It's your commitment to the process that will determine your progress. Who do you want to become? What do you want your identity to be known as? You first have to build the habit of investing in yourself.