Previous Episode: MOTIVATION

3 Must-Hear Takeaways


Have a voice in your life who can identify your growth. Measure your growth by setting a baseline and being specific about effort. Celebrate your progress to train your mind for motivation.


Season 5 of the Cultivation Podcast is all about words to live by and this episode’s word is “Growth”. Tom explains his passion for growth and why we need to be growing in our lives.


Growth is defined as progressive development; an increase or expansion. Ask yourself how are you growing your mind, soul, skills, purpose, or possibilities? Growth should be happening, you should not be in the same place!


Growth gives us more independence and freedom? What are you dependent on? How do you need to grow and expand your emotions, understanding, and appetite for adventure?


The hard part is that we don’t often see our own growth. We need people close to us who can give us perspective and identify areas where we grew. Find the voice who can identify those areas of growth in your life.


Measure your growth. Identify your current reality to set a baseline for any area you want to grow in. Be specific about how or what effort it will require.


Then, you need to celebrate progress to train your mindset and build motivation. That is a key element because it keeps us motivated to keep growing.


My friend David A. Specht says that our brains are meant to keep growing. Maybe you’re not experiencing the fullness of life because you’ve stopped growing. We have to keep learning and growing.


I ask you, when was the last time you learned something for the first time? 

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