3 IMPORTANT Takeaways


Change mirrors the seven stages of grief. Change is only sudden to the person not making it. Change has a lot of hope but also a lot of sadness.


The Cultivation Podcast season 7 is all about exploring change and this episode is dedicated to the process of change.


Change isn’t sudden. If you’re thinking of making a change, you’ve been going through the process — you’ve probably struggled with it, fantasized about it, or practiced it. 


And, you have probably realized that change mirrors the seven stages of grief. As you step into a new change in your life, there’s hope, possibility, and excitement but when it’s time to change out of that season, that hope is being let go and there a sadness. It’s all part of the process. 


Here are the seven stages of change:


Shock and denial. You don’t want that season to end because it was enjoyable at one point. However, you must focus on the future potential.


Pain and guilt. It feels like a wound to have the guilt of leaving certain people behind. You cannot skip this stage because you need to fully understand what you’re letting go.


Anger and bargaining. Maybe you don’t want this change, but it comes whether you want it or not. But if we choose to take the responsibility and not delay it, we can move through the change.


Depression and loneliness. There will be times when people can’t understand or comprehend the change you’re going through, or the ideal you’re striving for. Know that you’re not the only person who has had to go through the change you’re facing.


Upward turn. As you start to see the results of the change, you realize the hope and potential. When was the last time you did something for the first time? It’s life-giving! 


Reconstruction. You will reconstruct your mindset and become a new version of yourself. When you stop living is not death, it’s when you stop growing. Change is your construction season to build yourself. 


Acceptance and hope. Accept that change is a reality and that you are changing and growing. It’s a hopeful future for your life iif you embrace and own change.


We want to hear your season of change: Message, comment and engage with us on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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