This episode of the CUES Podcast covers the key connection between skilled and authentic leadership and management and organizational and employee well-being.

“This is really what we need to focus on ... as leaders and as organizations,” says guest Laurie Maddalena, MBA, CSP, CPCC, CEO of Envision Excellence. “How do we support the well-being of our cultures and create cultures that cultivate well-being and also well-being for our employees in their personal lives? 

In the show, Maddalena offers these concrete steps to take: 

Audit your culture. Is what’s in practice what you say it should be? Assess the quality of the work of your leaders and managers. Are they modeling the behaviors you want to be part of your culture? (eg, Are they constantly connected?)  Know your business model. This will help you determine which ways you can offer flexible work and to which employees. Root out such traditional and unhealthy leadership practices. Micromanaging, not giving feedback, reprimanding rather than coaching, and not investing in an employee’s growth may have worked 30 years ago, but they don’t anymore, Maddalena says. Stop promoting people into managerial and leadership roles based on excellent technical skills and/or tenure. Also, prepare potential managers and leaders for managing and leading long before you promote them into such a role.

Maddalena says making sure the right people are managing and leading “is a place that executives and CEOs can really shift your culture.”  

“It doesn't happen overnight, obviously, and it's really a slow shift, but (you) can accelerate it if you make sure that you're evaluating your management quality,” Maddalena explains. “That is the biggest piece in my mind of creating a great culture, keeping your employees engaged, keeping your talent and creating this sense of well-being. 

“And all of these challenges and the complexities that come with leadership will become easier because you have people in place who ... really understand it at the fundamental level of why this is important,” she adds. 

The show also gets into: 

how to know which of your team members can develop into good leaders and managers whether leadership and management ability is innate or whether it can be taught The constant evolution of leadership 

Links for this episode:

Laurie Maddalena has hosted CUES’ RealTalk! Programs Maddalena and her team have provided coaching for the CUES Emerge program Get Maddalena's Beware of Compare Reframing Tool  (free with registration)Find Maddalena on LinkedIn In the episode, Maddalena recommended all of Ryan Holiday's books, especially Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave and Discipline Is Destiny  Check out a related CUES video: Level-Setting Expectations for Yourself and Others