So, here is the thing. If you have a dream. A goal. A vision. A desire bigger than yourself (However you relate to that feeling inside you that drives you to step out of your comfort zone and into the unknown). You need discipline. There is no way around it.

Being inconsistent with anything will not allow that idea to get enough momentum to fly past your reach and make the impact you want it to.

But a lot of people struggle with discipline. You are not alone. I recently have found myself struggling to be consistent with my goals and dreams.  I couldn't figure out what was going on with me. Discipline is something that I have a positive association with and it was eluding me as to why I didn't have my same get up an go attitude. It was just feeling like my dreams weighed a thousand pounds and I was pushing them uphill and it was losing the battle.

Until I found myself  at a conference recently, and one of the speakers started talking about discipline and what stops people from exercising discipline in their life. It hit me smack in the face! That is what is going on with me!

That is what today's episode is all about!  Why you may lack the discipline you long for and how its closer to you than you think!


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I: @thisischelseajohnson

F: @thisischelseajohnson