Do you hate promoting yourself and you work as an artist? I get it. I used to have all sorts of “head junk” around self-promotion.

I used to have all of the thoughts “I don’t want to bother anyone”, “no one is going to come anyway”, These thoughts I used to your think. It was really just to keep me playing small so I didn’t have to level up. Then I actually worked in sales and got to see how it actually works and it totally changed everything!  

If you get weird about getting yourself out there! Today’s episode is for you! Let’s get you going and unstuck! 

  Follow Cue To Cue!   I: @thisischelseajohnson F: @thisischelseajohnson  

Do you hate promoting yourself and you work as an artist? I get it. I used to have all sorts of “head junk” around self-promotion.

I used to have all of the thoughts “I don’t want to bother anyone”, “no one is going to come anyway”, These thoughts I used to your think. It was really just to keep me playing small so I didn’t have to level up. Then I actually worked in sales and got to see how it actually works and it totally changed everything!  

If you get weird about getting yourself out there! Today’s episode is for you! Let’s get you going and unstuck! 

  Follow Cue To Cue!   I: @thisischelseajohnson F: @thisischelseajohnson