We’re talking with writer, producer, and entrepreneur Anasa Troutman, who besides being a well-known cultural disruptor and love activist, is challenging us to go beyond justice and towards sustainable joy for all.

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"You can't transform something you don't love." @anasatroutman drops so. much. wisdom. on the latest #CTZN Podcast with @kkellyyoga. Check it out! ctznwell.org/ctznpodcast @ctznwell #loveactivist #joy #justice #radicallove

More about this episode:

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this one thing Anasa said in our conversation: “You can’t transform something that you don’t love.”

And as someone deeply committed to personal and collective transformation, it had me reflecting on how I love. Not, how I do more activism or be a better ally, but how do I love for real? That too is justice. Justice calls us not only to correct whatever is in the way of love, but it also invites us to live into that love.

And that inquiry starts with self-love. Because how we love ourselves IS how we love everyone else. But the truth is, we live in a culture that does not reinforce self-love. It says love yourself only when you are smarter, healthier, more productive, more perfect. We are taught that love is conditional and so it’s no wonder that we project conditional love to others and make choices that are not loving to the whole of humanity.

But when we can claim radical love for ourselves - the kind that is expressed through grace and compassion and forgiveness - then we can start to extend that kind of love outwards in relationship, in how we repair the breach and love across lines of difference and disagreement and in how we love through our choices, through our votes and especially through our money.

Anasa reminds us that love is not some idea or intention. Love is who we are and what we do. And when we embody that kind of love fully, then justice and joy will flow. This conversation is a reminder and realignment with the very thing that is most important and essential to our work: LOVE. Check it out.

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