Perhaps the most frequent question I get asked is, “How do I show up in this moment?” To help us answer that is the amazing Katie Loncke of Buddhist Peace Fellowship, one of the most throw-down, committed activists I know. But what makes her unique is that she’s as committed to who she’s being as to what she’s doing. Katie helped create “Build Block Be,” a holistic framework for how we respond that acknowledges and celebrates all of our unique roles, strategies, and medicine as necessary and essential for how we bring forth collective liberation.

Buddhist Peace Fellowship

What’s My Role in the Revolution? - Buddhist Peace Fellowship Course

Katie on Instagram

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"You're perfect just as you are, and you could use a little improvement." @buddhistpeace's @kloncke quotes Suzuki Roshi on #CTZN Podcast with @kkellyyoga @ctznwell

"I won't take sides, but I'll resist injustice." @buddhistpeace's @katieloncke on how she shows up in her activism - and the nuances of peaceful activism that centers justice and liberation. Hear her convo with @kkellyoga on #CTZN Podcast from @ctznwell

More about this episode:

Katie invites us to consider the quieter instruments of our activism. She imagines a different kind of politics: one that is irrepressible rather than forceful, steady and sustained with the patience of the ocean that erodes the cliff side. While we at times chant “no justice no peace” in outrage at a system that refuses to listen, Katie asks us to not underestimate peace, and to lean into the listening that it brings so that we can Be more effective in how we Block and Build together.

Block is how we confront systemic harm, Build is how we create connection and collaborative tools, and Be is how we cultivate a capacity and resilience to show up for what’s needed.

This conversation gave me hope, not just for what is possible, but for how it can feel and who we can Be together.

Join Katie and me, along with our friend Carinne Luck, on Monday 11/25/19 at 8ET/5PT for a free online meet-up about Build Block Be and how to use it at the family holiday table to keep your peace without shrinking in silence. And if you’re tuning in after the date’s past, find the recording at

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