What is philanthropy tech? Technology Affinity Group Executive Director Chantal Forster gives real-world examples of technology affecting change in our communities. She shares the staggering $60B figure that goes into philanthropic efforts and how technology may be the way to put that to better use.
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Show Notes:

Technology Affinity Group (TAG)
Number of foundations in the US 1990-2014
Giving USA 2017: Total Charitable Donations
Ralph C Wilson Jr Foundation
Ford Foundation Public Interest Tech
Pearce Family Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Kellogg Foundation
Crown Family Foundation
Tulsa Community Foundation
Chicago Community Trust
JPMorgan Chase & CO Global Philanthropy
G4G - GuideStar for Grant Applications
State of Philanthrophy Tech survey
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Design & Dev
IBM to release world’s largest annotation dataset for studying bias in facial analysis
Soap dispenser doesn’t recognize dark skin
Census 2020
Beth Kanter
Amy Sample Ward
NTC conference
Eyes Without a Face by Billy Idol
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