SVGs aren’t just another image format. They are code. They are infinitely scalable. And they can be manipulated with CSS and JS to create both subtle and dramatic interface experiences. Designer and front-end dev Brenda Storer joins the show to give us a primer on scalable vector graphics, from how they are different from the familiar PNG, JPG and GIF, to browser support, to the underlying code elements and attributes. Brenda offers recommendations for optimizing SVGs and making them more accessible. She also details real world use cases (an alternative to icon fonts) and shares her favorite resources for learning and inspiration.
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Show Notes:
Girl Develop It Giant Robots The Bike Shed ShopTalk #151 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Can I use… A Complete Guide to SVG Fallbacks Emacs Entypo Font Awesome Icon System with SVG Sprites SVGO SVGOMG Iconic thoughtbot Hack Day project D3.js SMIL Sarah Drasner CodePen Chris Gannon CodePen CSSconf EU 2014 | Sara Soueidan: Styling and Animating Scalable Vector Graphics with CSS Pocket Guide to Writing SVG Snap.svg GreenSock Leave us a review on iTunes Review our show on Stitcher

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