Do you know whether you your website actually supports your business goals? Google Analytics can help you find out! We talk with digital media expert Terri Jenkins about the basics of digital measurement and Google Analytics. She explains why analytics are important for both site owners and site developers, and offers examples of the basic measurements every site should have in place. She also details other Google products that can further enhance what site owners (and developers!) can do with Google Analytics, including Tag Manager, Search Console and Page Insights.
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Show Notes:

Demystifying the Web Series
Developing Long-term Client Relationships
Google Analytics Wikipedia: Web analytics Bounce rate Session duration Insights Mobile-first Indexing About goals AdWords Tag Manager Create and manage custom alerts What is Search Console? Google Webmasters Hit Exclude internal traffic Page Speed Insights Google Developers Search Engine Watch Moz Living With Intent Bouldin Creek Cafe Leave us a review on iTunes Review our show on Stitcher

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