How can we improve diversity in design leadership? Access. Access to resources, education, other designers … access to the knowledge that design is even a career to pursue in the first place. We chat with Microsoft’s Product Design & Culture Lead Timothy Bardlavens about the lack diversity in the design industry and in leadership, in particular. We discuss the challenges of “diversity programs” that don’t actually deliver what people need, and how genuine leadership is needed for even grass-roots efforts to find success. He shares how basic access and radical transparency can be the start of change, but also reflects on the reality that change still seems to lie on the shoulders of the people who need it most.
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Show Notes:

Dear AIGA, Goodbye.
Diversity & Inclusion Taskforce
Women Lead Initiative
Gender Equity Toolkit
Trevor Noah, Diversity And The Challenges Of Late Night In 2015
Let Samantha Bee show you how to hire more women
Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified
‘I felt so alone’: What women at Microsoft face, and why many leave
Julie (radical transparency)
Design + Diversity
Design + Diversity Fellowship
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