Doctors and lawyers have a code of ethics — maybe it’s time web professionals do as well! Kristin Valentine explains how more of us should consider ethical practices when designing and developing for the web. We talk about the importance of privacy and security, how other industries address ethical concerns, and guidelines to help navigate the complicated topic of applied ethics in web work.
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Show Notes:

Ecommerce Shipping and Fulfillment
Emotional Intelligence in Design
The Evolution of Trust game Ethics and Technology
Dear Design Student: A Designer's Code of Ethics
Design Ethics in Practice
Confirm Shaming Tumblr
Langdon Winner
Do Artifacts Have Politics (PDF)
Net neutrality

The Guardian: AI Programs Exhibit Racist and Sexist Biases Genome editing
You will get chipped — eventually
Note to Self podcast
The Privacy Paradox Episodes & Quiz The Whale and the Reactor by Langdon Winner
Yoko's Japanese Restaurant & Sushi Bar
Small World board game
The Dark Mirror: The ethics of technology and how tech shapes society

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