Design systems can be confusing, especially when people are still trying to define what it means! Adobe Design Engineer Sarah Federman stops by the show to explain what design systems are, why they’re important and the details in their actual creation. We explain how modularity is built in to design systems and how it’s evolved through the years. We touch on how crucial developers are to design systems, how to adapt design systems even for small teams, and share tips on explaining the time and costs saved when a design system is in place.
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Show Notes:

Adobe Spectrum
single source of truth (SSOT)
Adobe XD
table stakes
Dan Mall's Distinct Design Systems
Yelp Styleguide
Pattern Lab
Brent Jackson's Styled System
Danny Banks Style Dictionary
Salesforce Theo Design Tokens
Designing an App Using the Material Design Sticker Sheet
React Native
InVision Design Systems ebook
Alla Kholmatova Designs Systems Book
Abstract design version control
React Sketch app
HTML Sketch app
Salesforce Lightning Design System
Shopify Polaris
GE’s Predix Design System
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