You can’t be a great web developer if you don’t take care of your mental health. Jamie Strachan, web developer and mental health advocate, stops by the show to explain the practical techniques that cognitive behavioral therapy provides and how it ties to developer mindset.

Listen in as we share our own stories alongside Jamie’s, what we’ve done to overcome mental health issues, how we can help others, and other practical therapies. Let’s help our industry and community be better mental health advocates so we can all live our best (personal and professional!) lives.
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Show Notes:

Success from Failure
Banish Your Inner Critic
World Mental Health Day 2017
Mental Illness Awareness Week
Mental Health Continuum Model
Feeling Good (CBT book)
Acceptance and Commitment therapy
The Happiness Trap (ACT book)
Pacifica (CBT and mindfulness app)
List of cognitive distortions
Open Sourcing Mental Illness
Geek Mental Help
Mental Illness Happy Hour
We All JS
Rands Leadership Slack
The slides from Debugging Our Feelings
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Veterans Crisis Line
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy
The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guiin
Avalon board game

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