Tech leaders are committed to solving problems that pester man on a daily basis while also focus on improving the livelihoods of people – but what about the ones that have no access to tech? To the internet? To the millions of gigabytes of content on the internet? Enter Andrew McCaughan, CTO at BuffaloGrid.

This techie is hell-bent on bridging the gap between developed and emerging economies, by working on a tech solution that will allow people to connect and gain access to the amazing world of the internet, or as he likes to put it “connecting the next billion”.

TC sat down with Andrew to learn more about his goals, his journey from techie to tech leader, and how he manages his teams and makes sure they feel they’re in the right place, doing the right thing.

Key takeaways:

- How being straight with what you can and can’t do breeds trust and support

- Why it’s okay to ask for help, even as a leader

- Why leaders should sometimes see themselves as facilitators

Our Guest: Andrew McCaughan

Intro and background music: Craig MacArthur - Power Shutoff (

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