Tech leaders not only lead organizations to create products, but often lead transformations also -- transformation of people, processes, and of course tech. In this podcast, Michele Sollecito shares his thoughts on his role and how he works to make sure projects come in on scope and on time through the wonderful women and men engineers doing the work.

Key takeaways from the podcast are:
• Why integrity matters. i.e., Doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
• How software development isn't just about delivering fast, but rather represents the art of creating something that can be maintained and extended in its complexity, without ending up in a technical debt dead end.
• Avoiding continuous isolation by leading and facilitating environments that create interrelationships within a team, between teams, and in the wider organization.

Our Guest: Michele Sollecito
Website: A better way to handle your money | Revolut :

Intro and background music: Craig MacArthur - Power Shutoff (

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