Technology leaders sit in an incredibly important organizational seat in this day and age. Their role is to deliver technology and give the business the capability to compete, innovate, and stay relevant. Our guest on this CTO Confessions Podcast speaks to this subject. In particular, leadership plays a huge role in how their people go about their tasks and the incumbent culture their work emerges from.

Key takeaways from the Podcast are:

- The fundamental role of tech leaders and why it's not just about delivering technology.

- The part that documentation can play in supporting the work you do, and some inspiration around avoiding documentation debt. As we know, any debt, be it technical or the likes, always comes back to bite us on the backside if we don't address it.

- Thinking about your thinking when solving problems.

These are just to name a few with many more takeaways embedded in the Podcast. We hope you enjoy its as much as we did hosting it.

Our Guest: Alain Briancon, PhD

Intro and background music: Craig MacArthur - Power Shutoff (