SME tech leader tips, from a successful serial startup CTO - Creating a startup culture in SME organizations for hyper-growth, innovation, and business survival

One of the consistent things we see here at IT Labs through our 'Teams as a Service' (TaaS) and Business Agility consulting is companies' need to have a startup mindset. Especially if they are in a phase of innovation to get one step ahead of competitors. Some of you may be thinking when wouldn't this be the case :) Well, many SMEs know the lessons but have forgotten them through their journey of growth. It's almost like growth creates some form of 'wisdom amnesia.'

Though IT Labs target audience is not startup's, but because we are learners, we actively seek out these nimble little organizations' voices to see what they are innovating and how they work. We desire to pick out their gems of advice and understanding through the lessons of success and beautiful moments of failure, to garner revived thinking for our community of technology leaders.

Well, Steve Books, CTO at Slingshot Technologies, joined us for an enlightening discussion on his serial startup journey. He's what we like to call a starter-upper. I know not a real word, but it's what we call someone who consistently gets involved in startups and nurtures them to exit. So here's your opportunity to get a look under the covers of someone with a startup mindset and see things in a little bit more detail.

Key takeaways from the Podcast are:

Lessons from a series of startups and exits

Tips on getting the most out of teams

How to make remote working work for you as a tech leader

Why business cannibalism is bizarrely good for your organization

Our Guest: Steve Books
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Intro and background music: Craig MacArthur - Power Shutoff (

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