Tax compliance, it turns out, is an edgy space to operate in. For example, at scale, manual handling of receipts and invoices can be a costly endeavor, and many large organizations default to safer shortcuts that prevent tax that could be claimed from being processed. It's a complex problem to solve with many variables that are at play. The scream for automation has been heard by "Blue dot." A Fintech company that has solved the headache through elegant automation. i.e., automated tax compliance systems that create healthier bottom lines. TC Gill, the host of CTO confessions, sits down with David to dig a little deeper into the details and the "why's" of why this is such a challenge. He also gets to go deep with David on his leadership insights and the art of enhancing communications in service of the collective work. A deep and thoughtful tech leader with some great insights to take away.

Key takeaways from the podcast are:

• The concept of "Forcing communications" to create transparency and better understanding in and around the teams
• An anthropological view on the art of communication
• Inspiration to be more grateful for the world around us and the work we do as technologists

Our Guest: David Guedalia

Intro and background music: Craig MacArthur - Power Shutoff (