In today's episode, Natty and Michael are joined by Jackie Moriniere the Associate Director of the Career Services Engineering Department to discuss engineering career service, the differences between Drexel and Penn, asking for help when you need it, and navigating rejection during the job search.

Topics Covered:

The benefits of improv on interviewing and career skillsWhat it's like to work with engineering students through a career services lenseThe differences between Drexel and UPennWhat is 'Penn Face' and the importance of being vulnerable and asking for help when you need itNavigating rejection and ghosting during the job search processCareer placement vs. career services and what benefits you long-term


Employers Ghosting Applicants | What to Do If You Don’t Hear Back

Our theme music is “The Strip” by Mala, used under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Created by
A. Mylène Kerschner & J. Michael DeAngelis 

Produced by
J. Michael DeAngelis & Natty Leach

Mixed and edited by 
Sadie Kilar