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Crypto currency lovers ... #
#Bitcoin #Litecoin #Ethereum #EOS #Dash #Monero #Ripple #Verge #Bitcoin cash #VeChain #Tron #IOTA #NEM #ICON #Verge #Civic #Aeternity #Augur #Wax #Cardano #Kleros #Exodus #Electrum #IOTA #Trezor #Ledger #Hyperledger Fabric #Electroneum #Steemit


#Exodus #Electrum #Trezor #Ledger 

Steemit - https://steemit.com


Steemit -

Steemit is a blogging and social networking website that uses its Steem blockchain-based rewards platform for publishers.[3]The Steem blockchain produces Steem and Steem Dollars which are tradable tokens obtained for posting, discovering, and commenting on content.[4]

Steemit, Inc. is a privately held company based in New York City and headquartered in Virginia. The company was founded by Ned Scott, and Dan Larimer, creator of BitShares, and EOS.



Microsoft is also looking to build platforms on which businesses can grow their blockchain applications upon, such as the Confidential Consortium (Coco) Framework, an Ethereum-based protocol, which falls under Microsoft Azure, the company’s cloud computing arm.
Gary Cohn, former Goldman Sachs President as well as former chief economic advisor to US President Donald Trump, believes that there will a global cryptocurrency in the future, but it will be a coin “more easily understood” than Bitcoin (BTC), CNBC reports May 8.

Oracle Corp., the world’s second largest software company, is launching blockchain products over the next two months, Bloomberg reports May

Microsoft founder Bill Gates issued critical comments about Bitcoin May 7, telling CNBC it was a “greater fool” investment and he “would short it if he could.”

Block.one CTO Daniel Larimer has announced the release of EOSIO Dawn 4.0, the latest version of the architecture of EOSIO platform for decentralized applications (DApps).The 4.0 update includes a number of new features and guidelines, according to Larimer’s Medium post. It is mainly focused on inter-blockchain communication, a feature that Block.one believes to be critical for scaling blockchains up for large user bases. Dawn 4.0 seeks to encourage users to distribute their unused RAM by letting supply and demand govern the price.


Money fact - 

According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute, approximately 96% of people who are currently employed, will not be able to collect their full Social Security retirement benefits when they reach the age of 65. Since the average American is living longer, the Social Security Administration had to make adjustments to be able to compensate for the additional payments it has to make.

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