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Crypto currency lovers ... #
#Bitcoin #Litecoin #Ethereum #EOS #Dash #Monero #Ripple #Verge #Bitcoin cash #VeChain #Tron #IOTA #NEM #ICON #Verge #Civic #Aeternity #Augur #Wax #Cardano #Kleros #Exodus #Electrum #IOTA #Trezor #Ledger #Hyperledger Fabric #Electroneum

#Exodus #Electrum #Trezor #Ledger 

Electroneum - https://electroneum.com/


Secure and private
Designed for mass adoption
App based mobile mining
Signed agreements with global mobile networks
Provide a digital payment solution to the developing world





News - 

Goldman Sachs, perhaps the most storied name in finance, is bucking the risks and moving ahead with plans to set up what appears to be the first Bitcoin trading operation at a Wall Street bank.

In a step that is likely to lend legitimacy to virtual currencies — and create new concerns for Goldman — the bank is about to begin using its own money to trade with clients in a variety of contracts linked to the price of Bitcoin.


 Brian Kelly, founder and CEO of BKCM LLC, an investment firm focused on digital currencies issued a statement saying - What I like about crypto space is that we early in the investment cycle and we also early in tech cycle and the best part is, it's uncorrelated with other asset classes.




This year, in the first quarter of 2018, Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest bank and one of Europe’s leading financial institutions, recorded a profit of $146 million. Binance, the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange, recorded a profit of $200 million.

Binance, a cryptocurrency startup that was non-existent merely 8 months ago beat out a leading bank that was established 148 years ago. A startup with 200 employees beat out a banking giant with 100,000 employees. Binance is the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange.


Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is planning to spend the majority of his fortune getting himself into space.


Price - 


Bitcoin is sitting close to $10,000 usd

Coin market cap is headed towards $500 billion .



Money Fact - 

Credit Card debt now starts in high school. 
According to a financial website, the typical American now begins taking on debt as early as high school. These debts are usually in the form of either credit cards or car loans. Is it any wonder our nation is in debt when our children are somehow permitted to take out a loan or sign up for a credit card before they even finish high school?

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