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Today I am talking to Tracey Goodwin. She is known around the globe as The Red Sweater Lady, a title that somewhat fell into her lap. She started out winning speaking awards when she was 12 years old.

She was never really a stranger to the spotlight as she went on to become a professional actor for years making her living doing television commercials. But, there’s so much more to the back story. At a young age, while she loved speaking, she did not have a great voice and was put into intensive voice training.

She learned an incredible system that dramatically changed her speaking voice for the better. Over the years she has pulled all her education and training as well as life experiences together to create a program for clients that truly works.

In this interview we mainly talk about voice technique and storytelling.

Food for Thought

Our voice, whether it is written or spoken is absolutely directly linked to our psychology.

Voices are like message they are different and they are all beautiful.

The minute we become predictable we lose our audience.

You're not going to speak to everyone.