Binance Coin, the native token of the Binance network, has lost its long-held position as one of the market's top three cryptocurrencies. Cardano's recent all-time high has pushed BNB to fourth place on the CMC.

Now, Cardano actually feels like a third-generation cryptocurrency. Except that BNB appears to be attempting to reclaim its former position. However, will it ever be able to?

Is Binance Coin gaining momentum?

Many BNB supporters are poised to become enraged, but the answer is most likely no. Indeed, BNB has increased by nearly 13.97 percent in the last 72 hours. Even yet, such gain contributed only little to the month's overall increase of 70.6 percent.

Cardano, on the other hand, gained 27 percent in just three days and 131 percent over the course of a month.

Cardano's victory is due to a number of factors. To begin, ADA is the centre of attention because to its low prices and increased liquidity. ADA's recent increase drew investors, who discovered an altcoin with a cheaper price and an easier entry point.

Additionally, because Cardano has a larger supply than BNB, liquidity becomes easier as well. This is also why BNB has a smaller number of active addresses in contrast to AirBNB.

Second, BNB's profit/loss ratio has remained stable. Except for a few modest jumps, profits have not been driving the signal for about a month.

Additionally, development activity appeared to indicate that Cardano saw sustained rapid growth. On the contrary, Binance Coin only experienced a brief surge between 3 and 6 August before reversing course.

However, what is its market value?

The market capitalisation of Binance currency is the only thing that supports BNB in terms of metrics.

Indeed, the MVRV ratio indicates that the fourth-largest cryptocurrency retains a reasonable asset value. This, however, will not be enough to boost BNB's standing, as Alonzo is on his way to Cardano.

While Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has implemented smart contracts on its network, it may never attract a sufficient number of developers. To begin, Ethereum continues to be the unchallenged leader in the space. Additionally, many have suggested that (BSC) is too centralised and is only significant as a competitor to Ethereum.

Within a month, Cardano will have active smart contracts. As a result, developers and investors will have more incentive to flock to the network.

Can BNB reclaim its third position? That is a difficult question, although the crypto-market has taken some unexpected turns in the past. After all, this is an industry in which DOGE is a top-ten alternative currency. Thus, who is to say?

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