Following a 50% drop in crypto prices in April, digital assets have begun to rise again. Prices are rising, and investors are seeking for the best approach to capitalise on the rally without leaving themselves vulnerable to another sharp drop. However, the majority of individuals want to know how to trade cryptocurrency.

Rule 1: Select a Strategy to Protect Your Gains.

Crypto arbitrage is a terrific way to capitalise on the capital gains from the rising value of your Bitcoin and Ethereum while also ensuring that a sudden drop in value does not wipe out your winnings.

This is a type of investing that takes advantage of transient price variations between exchanges. Because exchanges of varied sizes have varying liquidity levels and trading volumes, a coin may become available on Exchange A at one price while concurrently being available on Exchanges B, C, and D at different rates for a brief period of time.

Arbismart is a good example.

Let's take a look at ArbiSmart, an automated crypto arbitrage tool that is integrated with forty exchanges, to discover how it works. An algorithm continuously monitors hundreds of coins at once for price disparities, then buys at the lowest possible price and sells at the highest possible price to create a profit.

Sign up, fill your account with fiat or cryptocurrency, and let ArbiSmart handle the rest. Your funds will be converted automatically into RBIS, the platform's native coin. It is used to trade crypto arbitrage for monthly returns of up to 3.75 percent.

The biggest benefit is that your capital will retain its value if the market abruptly changes direction. Even if a bull trend reverses, price differences between exchanges will persist with the same frequency. Crypto arbitrage allows you to earn a consistent profit regardless of what occurs in the crypto market, making it an excellent hedge for the world's most volatile asset class.

Profits are as a result predictable. Profits, for example, are guaranteed in advance at ArbiSmart. You can check the project yield table to discover how much you will earn per month, which ranges from 0.9 percent to 3.75 percent (10.8 percent to 45 percent per year), depending on the size of your investment.

Rule 2: Prioritize security over everything else.

It is pointless to make a fortune from your crypto wealth if it is going to be lost.

Fraud or hacking You must select a crypto project that has no history of legal issues or system breaches and that fulfils strong security criteria, as well as accountability and openness.

ArbiSmart has been licenced throughout the European Union. This means that it must adhere to stringent standards governing ID verification and anti-money laundering procedures, the preservation of customer capital, stringent system data security safeguards, and external monitoring through frequent auditing.

Rule 3: Choose a project that has multiple revenue streams.

Diversity is important, and in order to maximise your revenue potential, you want an investment opportunity that provides multiple streams of passive income at the same time.

At ArbiSmart, for example, you can not only profit from crypto arbitrage by up to 45 percent each year, but you can also earn compound interest on those winnings. Furthermore, if you opt to place your crypto money in a locked savings account that is closed for a predetermined amount of time, you can receive an additional source of passive earnings that can reach as high as 1% per day at the highest account tiers.

Another source of revenue is capital gains on the rising value of the RBIS token, which has already increased by 520 percent in the two years since its introduction.

Rule 4: Select a coin with a high projected future growth rate.

Many altcoins burn brilliantly and then abruptly burn out. Long-term projects have a valued utility, a developing community, and a focus on constantly expanding and improving the project's array of services.

ArbiSmart meets the brief by providing a low-risk, high-return investing opportunity, and client acquisition has been gradually increasing over the last two years. Year over year growth in 2020 was 150 percent, and the community has been quickly developing since then.

The most remarkable aspect, however, is ArbiSmart's aggressive development timetable. ArbiSmart has deployed some substantial modifications to the system architecture so far in H2 2021, with more to come in the months ahead, and a number of new RBIS token utilities are also being launched throughout Q4 and Q1 2022. These include a smartphone app, a crypto and fiat interest-bearing wallet, a crypto credit card, and a yield farming scheme.

Furthermore, the token will be listed in Q4 2021, assuring that if you wish to utilise any RBIS services after that date, you must first purchase the token on an exchange. This should raise the price because token holders will earn crypto arbitrage earnings, interest, and capital gains and will have no motivation to sell. It is also worth mentioning that as demand for the platform grows, supply will always be constrained, as only 450 million RBIS will ever be issued.

For all of these reasons, researchers predict that the RBIS token's value will climb to forty times its current value by 2023.

Rule 5: Be Consistent in Your Timing

Last but not least, you must know when to make your move.

When cryptocurrency prices are rising, you may be tempted to hold on to your preferred coin in order to maximise your earnings. However, if you believe the coin is overvalued and will soon lose momentum, you should take your profits and exit before prices peak.

On the other side, if several indicators, such as historical performance, indicate that a coin is likely to take off, you'll want to buy in while the price is still reasonable.

Let us return to our ArbiSmart example once more. RBIS appears to be only months away from exploding, with the imminent listing, new utilities, and the token price's constant upward direction. So, in terms of timing, now is the time to jump on board for the best return on investment.

Do you want to start earning from rising cryptocurrency prices? If you follow these five rules, you will be able to profit securely and wisely from the present market bull run.

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