Despite the recent 26.5% Bitcoin crash, Max Keiser remains bullish on BTC revealing his $65K short term target is still in play, says the Bitcoin pioneer in a recent tweet.

"$65,000 short-term in play; $220,000 in 2021 in play"

"Bitcoin caused the chaos. Welcome it. Welcome the volatility. It’s making the right people sick. Welcome the global devastation. It only sends BTC higher. Getting rid of central banks was always going to be messy. Enjoy the mess."

Also in the most recent Keiser Report episode, Max goes on to share:

"With Bitcoin I can transact with you & nothing can stop it. It’s uncensorable, its unconfiscatable, it’s protected by an encrypted shield & that encrypted shield cannot be pierced by any government, any group of governments or any computer.

And so we live in this encrypted shielded environment called Bitcoin that is outside of the nation state. So nation state we don’t care if you go away & you should go away because you outlived your usefulness. You too central banks!"

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