Didi Taihuttu, his wife, and three kids bet 'everything' they have on Bitcoin.

This is how the legend of the BTC family begins.

In 2017, CNBC spoke to the Dutch family of five when they were in the process of liquidating their assets — from a profitable business and 2,500-square-foot house, to their shoes — and trading it all in for the popular cryptocurrency and a life on the road. 

Nearly four years and 40 countries later, Taihuttu and his family still don’t have bank accounts, a house, or all that much by way of personal possessions.

All of the family’s savings remain tied up in highly volatile cryptocurrencies. 

“We stepped into bitcoin, because we wanted to change our lives,” said the 42-year-old father of three.

When the price of bitcoin collapsed in 2018, Taihuttu added more to his investment portfolio. He says he was always a firm believer that the cryptocurrency was poised for a major rebound.

“I think in this bull cycle, we are going to see a minimal peak of $100,000. I won’t be surprised if it hits $200,000 by 2022.” 

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