Popular TV host of the Keiser Report and legendary Bitcoin bull Max Keiser predicts that ‘before’ the 2024 US presidential election BTC will be worth trillions and become the world reserve currency.

Max tweeted:

“Before 2024 US Presidential election:

1. BTC worth trillions

2. BTC - world reserve currency

3. Countries locked in Hash War

4. Most banks will be gone, replaced with Central Bank ‘crypto’

5. Combined political power of BTC billionaires will dominate policy”

Earlier this year, live on the Alex Jones show, Keiser officially raised his Bitcoin price target for the first time in eight years to $400K per BTC.

“I’m raising my official target for the first time in eight years,” Keiser told Jones in a February 17 video interview. “I’m raising it to $400,000.”

The BTC maximalist proceeded to argue that it is not too late to get into the revolutionary money of the future, and in fact, it’s just the beginning.

“So this is your new chance to make the bitcoin phenomenon work for you, Alex Jones.”

Keiser clarified that the $400K target is based on the value of gold, and called bitcoin “gold 2.0.”

Then just last month Max upped his Bitcoin target again sharing,

“People with zero Bitcoin exposure like Warren Buffett will see their wealth hyperinflate to nothing while Bitcoin’s price skyrockets 40-80x.”

So for Bitcoin to 80X at the time of his prediction, this would put the Bitcoin price at about $880,000.

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