Bitcoin is set to reach $400,000 if Joe Biden wins the US presidential election, according to financial guru Max Keiser, RT host of the Keiser Report.

BTC is now set to surge far beyond its former all-time high, when it reached $20,000 in December 2017.

The popular crypto expert has predicted that Bitcoin will surge to $28,000 by the time of the inauguration day if Joe Biden is elected.

The US election and PLANdemic has caused major uncertainty in world markets with tech stocks and the US dollar falling in value.

Cryptocurrency guru Max Keiser shared the following tweets on Crypto Twitter:

“A Biden win* will lock China’s global supremacy, crash the USD, send BTC to $400,000 - as $100,000,000,000 in global managed funds start allocating into BTC to escape. Expect BTC well above $28k by Inauguration Day.”

“2016 Russian election influence categorically proven false 2020 Chinese election influence; by the time the hearings are over, will categorically be proven true. By which time, Bitcoin will be over $100,000. Are you ready?”

He also tweeted: "A Biden win will trigger a stampede into Bitcoin as the global wealthy attempt to escape."

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