Raoul Pal, co-founder and CEO of Real Vision Group, says Bitcoin is a “supermassive black hole” that is eating gold, the NASDAQ, banks, bonds, and commodities.

Pal predicts BTC will reach $1 million within five years. The former Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager says Bitcoin is the best opportunity of his career.

“I get this sounds a little evangelical but I’m struggling to see it any other way right now.

The supermassive black hole is going to suck in everything. Again, this is there best trade/investment and future opportunity I have EVER found and it has the power to give the little guy a chance to grab their share of the wealth creation before Wall Street does. Grab it.”

Analysts think that the cryptocurrency is poised to rocket even higher in the weeks ahead.

The charts show that BTC is about to break above a pivotal horizontal resistance at $14,000, which should trigger a move toward $20,000 and beyond in the months ahead:

“There are literally only two resistances left on the bitcoin chart – 14,000 and then the old all-time high at 20,000. I fully expect new all-time highs by early next year at the latest.”

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