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The Bitcoin price will hit $250,000 by 2022 according to legendary billionaire venture capitalist Tim Draper who was the first to go on the record with his quarter million dollar BTC price prediction.

There have been many fears over recent years that central banks and other authorities will target Bitcoin as they may see it as a threat to traditional financial infrastructure.

According to Dan Tapiero, though, these fears are unfounded for the time being.

Dan Tapiero is the co-founder of DTAP Capital, Gold Bullion Int., amongst other firms. He has been closely following Bitcoin for a while now, being one of the first macro voices to enter the space.

He recently commented that until Bitcoin hits $250,000, or a market capitalization of around $5 trillion, it may not have relevance on a macro scale:

“$200 billion too small to matter for macro authorities. Gold is $12 trillion and no one really cares. Bitcoin has clearance up to at least 250k. 25x before big boy global macro authorities start caring that it exists.”